Visible spectrum (654 nm) room temperature continuous wave InP quantum dot coupled to InGaP quantum well InP–InGaP–In(AlGa)P–InAlP heterostructure laser

Data are presented demonstrating the cw 300 K visible spectrum (654 nm) laser operation of a single 7.5 monolayer InP quantum dot(QD) layer coupled by a 20 Å In 0.5 Al 0.3 Ga 0.2 P barrier to an auxiliary 70 Å In 0.5 Ga 0.5 P quantum well(QW) that, via resonant tunneling, assists carrier collection, thermalization, and lateral rearrangement in the QDs. The simple stripe-geometry (530 μ m ×10 μ m ) InP QD + InGaP QWheterostructure laser, enhanced by the QW and operating on an upper QD state (42% quantum efficiency), is capable of over 10 mW/facet cw 300 K operation in spite of the weak heat sinking of probe operation.

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