Data are presented showing that, besides the improvement in carrier collection, it is advantageous to locate strain-matching auxiliary InGaAs layers [quantum wells (QWs)] within tunneling distance of a single-quantum-dot (QD) layer of an AlGaAs–GaAs–InGaAs–InAs QD heterostructure laser to realize also smaller size QDs of greater density and uniformity. The QD density is changed from 2×1010/cm2 for a 50 Å GaAs coupling barrier (QW to QD) to 3×1010/cm2 for a 5 Å barrier. The improved QD density and uniformity, as well as improved carrier collection, make possible room-temperature continuous-wave (cw) QD+QW laser operation (a single InAs QD layer) at reasonable diode length (∼1 mm), current density 586 A/cm2, and wavelength 1057 nm. The cw 300 K coupled InAs QD and InGaAs QW AlGaAs–GaAs–InGaA–InAs heterostructure lasers are grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.