Dynamic study of conduction carriers in YBa2Cu3O7δ thin films using a pulsed-laser-induced transient-thermoelectric-effect method

The pulsed-laser-induced transient thermoelectric effect (TTE) has been measured for c-axis-oriented YBa2 Cu3 O7δ thin films over a wide time range (50 ns to 2 ms) and temperature range (10–300 K). The analysis of the decay curves of TTE voltages has revealed that the YBa2 Cu3 O7δ system has multiple conduction carriers, the semiconducting holes in the one-dimensional (1D) CuO chains and two types of holes (light-mass and heavy-mass holes) arising from the metallic 2D CuO2-derived band. From the observed relaxation times for thermal diffusions of light and heavy holes, we have estimated their mobilities, which show a ‘‘critical slowing-down’’-like anomaly near the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The temperature dependence of the hole mobilities can be reasonably explained by considering a critical divergent nature of the diffusion coefficients for conduction holes and a ‘‘quasiparticle lifetime’’ τ* in the superconducting state. In the superconducting state we have observed the stepwise-, shunt-, and plateau-type TTE signals above and/or below a characteristic temperature Tc* (=35 K). The presence of Tc* is indicative of an additional superconducting transition from phase I to II of the quasiparticle system.