A phenomenological theory of thermoelectric power in binary, ternary, and more complex noble-metal base alloys is presented, which is based on the well-known thermoelectric power formula of Mott and others. The temperature dependence of certain scattering coefficients leads to information on the variation of scattering cross section with electron kinetic energy; the simple model described appears to be internally consistent and furnishes considerable insight into the nature of electron scattering from point imperfections in metals. It is found from an experimental study of the series of solutes Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni in copper, that the cross section depends on electron energy in a manner closely resembling that of the Ramsauer-Townsend effect in slow-electron scattering from atoms in the vapor state. The theory is used to predict the behavior of ternary and more complex alloys from information on binary alloys. Experiments on selected ternary solid solutions are described. The results are in accord with predictions of the theory.