The depth profiles of 25100-keV Ne+20 and Ne+22 ions implanted into C, Si, V, Co, Ni, Zr, Nb, Ag, Hf, W, and Au backings have been measured with the (p,γ) resonance broadening technique. The modal, mean, and standard-deviation values were determined for the range profiles extracted from the measured γ-ray yield curves. The theoretical predictions were calculated with the computer-simulation code c o s i p o for both amorphous and polycrystalline structures. The experimental modal ranges corrected for sputtering agree within error limits (≲10%) with the ranges calculated, assuming an amorphous structure for the backing. The measured mean ranges are longer than theoretical values for an amorphous structure by a factor of 1.11.3. However, the mean range predictions for a polycrystalline structure are generally closer to the experimental ones, although the shapes of profiles are somewhat different.