General response function for interacting quantum liquids

Linearizing the appropriate kinetic equation we derive general response functions including self-consistent mean fields or density functionals and collisional dissipative contributions. The latter ones are considered in relaxation time approximation conserving successively different balance equations. The effect of collisions is represented by correlation functions which are possible to calculate with the help of the finite temperature Lindhard random-phase approximation expression. The presented results are applicable to the finite temperature response of interacting quantum systems if the quasiparticle or mean-field energy is parametrized within Skyrme-type functionals including density, current, and energy dependencies which can be considered alternatively as density functionals. In this way we allow to share correlations between density functional and collisional dissipative contributions appropriate for special treatment. We present results for collective modes such as the plasmon in plasma systems and the giant resonance in nuclei. The collisions lead in general to an enhanced damping of collective modes. If the collision frequency is close to the frequency of the collective mode, resonance occurs and the collective mode is enhanced showing a collisional narrowing.