Molecular genotyping of human T-cell antigen receptor variable gene segments

The gene complex encoding the β chain of the T-cell antigen receptor (Tcr) in man was previously reported to contain a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) involving a single Bgl II site adjacent to the second constant region gene. This RFLP allowed assignment of Tcr β genotypes in certain human families. In the present study, two different RFLP in a gene family were detected using the murine probe V8.1 in genomic DNA samples digested with the restriction endonucleases Hind III and Bam HI. Use of these RFLP to mark the gene complex allowed complete haplotype assignment in four of seven families studied and provided support for linkage of the V gene complex to the constant region genes. Different combinations of the C and two V region markers can result in eight possible distinct haplotypes. The observation of all but one of the eight possible haplotypes in parents of the families studied suggests that recombination events occur between the C and V region and among members of the V region subfamily marked by the V8.1 probe. These markers can be used for mapping studies of the gene complex in man and will allow an appraisal of possible associations between Tcr β genes and disease susceptibility.