Recovery of neuromuscular function and postoperative morbidity were studied in 51 fit female patients who had nonemergency gynaecological laparoscopy as inpatients. They were allocated randomly to one of three groups to receive either atracurium 0.31 mg/kg, alcuronium 0.25 mg/kg, or vecuronium 0.06 mg/kg as part of an otherwise standard anaesthetic technique. There were neither differences in intubation conditions nor in the occurrence of postoperative diplopia whichever muscle relaxant was used. Deficits in grip strength and expiratory force were seen at one hour after reversal with atropine 1.2 mg and neostigmine 2.5 mg in all patients, deficits which persisted for 3 hours in those who received alcuronium. The recovery of inspiratory force was slower and less complete at up to 3 hours in those who received alcuronium and there was a high incidence of minor postoperative morbidity at up to 24 hours in each of the three groups. The only statistical difference in symptomatic morbidity was an increase in muscle weakness in those who received alcuronium compared with atracurium at 3 hours after laparoscopy. Only 25%, 20% and 31% of the patients who received atracurium, alcuronium and vecuronium respectively said that they would have liked to be day stay patients.