Identification, Classification, and Phylogeny of the Pathogenic SpeciesExophiala jeanselmeiand Related Species by Mitochondrial CytochromebGene Analysis

We analyzed a 402-bp sequence of the mitochondrial cytochromebgene of 34 strains ofExophiala jeanselmeiand 16 strains representing 12 related species. The strains ofE.jeanselmeiwere classified into 20 DNA types and 17 amino acid types. The differences between these strains were found in 1 to 60 nucleotides and 1 to 17 amino acids. On the basis of the identities and similarities of nucleotide and amino acid sequences, some strains were reidentified: i.e., two strains ofE.jeanselmeivar.hetermorphaand one strain ofE.castellaniiasE.dermatitidis(including the type strain), three strains ofE.jeanselmeiasE.jeanselmeivar.lecanii-corni(including the type strain), three strains ofE.jeanselmeiasE.bergeri(including the type strain), seven strains ofE.jeanselmeiasE.pisciphila(including the type strain), seven strains ofE.jeanselmeiasE.jeanselmeivar.jeanselmei(including the type strain), one strain ofE.jeanselmeiasFonsecaea pedrosoi(including the type strain), and one strain ofE.jeanselmeiasE.spinifera(including the type strain). SomeE.jeanselmeistrains showed distinct nucleotide and amino acid sequences. The amino-acid-based UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with the arithmetic mean) tree exhibited nearly the same topology as those of the DNA-based trees obtained by neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods.