Shock response of porous copper, iron, tungsten, and polyurethane

For guidance in constructing a mathematical model for porous materials, impact tests were conducted with a light‐gas gun on samples of porous copper, iron, tungsten, and polyurethane foam using manganin and quartz transducer techniques. Both Hugoniot (thick flyer) and attenuation (thin flyer) experiments were conducted on the porous metal specimens, which were initially at 70% of solid density. The Hugoniot elastic limits were 1, 2.5, and 10 kbar and maximum stresses attained were 60, 50, and 140 kbar in copper, iron, and tungsten, respectively. In impacts above 20 kbar, porous iron and copper compacted to solid but tungsten was not consolidated at 140 kbar. The mathematical model was incorporated into a one‐dimensional wave propagation computer program, and stress histories were computed to compare with the transducer records. Computed peak stresses and arrival times agreed with the recorded values within 20%.