Computer simulation of damage processes during ion implantation

A new version for the marlowe code, which enables dynamic simulation of damage processes during ion implantation to be performed, has been developed. This simulation code is based on uses of the Ziegler–Biersack–Littmark potential [in Proceedings of the International Engineering Congress on Ion Sources and IonAssisted Technology, edited by T. Takagi (Ionic Co., Tokyo, 1983), p. 1861] for elastic scattering and Firsov’s equation [O. B. Firsov, Sov. Phys. JETP 6 1, 1453 (1971)] for electron stopping. By introducing a damage function f(z)=l−exp[−ΔE(z)/Ecrit], where ΔE(z) is the deposition energy due to nuclear stopping per unit volume at depth z and Ecrit is the critical energy assessed from the experiment, the present code allows us to simulate how the crystalline structure at depth z transforms to the disordered structure, resulting in the marked change in the penetration of implanted ions as ion implantation proceeds. To examine the applicability of the present simulation code for practical ion implantation, we have performed dynamic simulations of the depth profile of implanted ions considering the changes in the crystalline structure due to disordering during ion implantations, and the results are compared with the experimental results of Mayer et al. [Can. J. Phys. 4 6, 664 (1968)]. The agreement between theoretical and experimental results has been found to be very good. A prediction on the dose dependence of lattice disorder for practical low‐dose implantation in GaAs is also presented.