The Effects of Caries-Producing Diets Initiated at Various Stages of Pre- and Postnatal Development of the Hamster

11 pregnant females were placed into categories distinguished by the pre- or post-natal age at which they or their offspring were started on a caries-producing diet (CPD). All received Purina laboratory chow (F, 18 ppm., by analysis) until the CPD was initiated. The CPD was begun at intervals ranging from 12 days before delivery to 30 days after birth. Thus all offspring were fed CPD pre- and/or post-natally for 90 days. Post-natal age at sacrifice ranged from 78 to 120 days. In general, female caries experience paralleled that of males but at much lower levels. Excepting the prenatal group, caries appeared to increase as age at initiation of diet (and at sacrifice) increased. The same organizational set-up was run with 46 other animals. F (40 ppm. from NaF) was added to the CPD. No caries was found in any animal after 90-day exposure periods. Frequent enamel fractures were evident in this group.

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