Microcomputer-Based Technique for 3-D Reconstruction and Volume Measurement of Computed Tomographic Images

This paper presents a microcomputer-based technique that accurately quantifies volumes from computed tomographic (CT) scans of irregularly shaped objects as well as displaying 3-D reconstructions. The method uses standard CT film, allowing analysis of previous or outside CT studies. The planimetry method showed less than 5% error in measurieng irregular 2-D areas larger than 6 mm2. The method is demonstrated to be significantly more accurate than spherical, elliposoid, or rectangular geometric models in quantifying object volume by CT (P <.001). With a single gantry angle, planimetry showed a two standard devation error under 10% in in measuring the volume of irregular objects compared with an error over 30% for ellipsoid models. The inaccuracy of spherical model (80% error) and the rectangular prism model (192% error) renders them impractical to provide quantitative object volume. Microcomputer planimetry provides an accurate and versatile means to measure the volume and produce 3-D reconstructions of objects canned with CT, and it has potential application in quantifying tumor response with CT and magnetic resonance imaging.