Measurements of charged current reactions ofνμon12C

Charged current scattering of νμ on 12C has been studied using a π+ decay-in-flight νμ beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. A sample of 66.9±9.1 events satisfying criteria for the exclusive reaction 12C(νμ,μ)12Ng.s. was obtained using a large liquid scintillator neutrino detector. The observed flux-averaged cross section (5.6±0.8±1.0)×1041cm2 agrees well with reliable theoretical expectations. A measurement was also obtained for the inclusive cross section to all accessible 12N states 12C(νμ,μ)X. This flux-averaged cross section is (10.6±0.3±1.8)×1040cm2 which is lower than present theoretical calculations.
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