Autoionising states formed by electron capture in collisions of multiply charged Ne ions with He, H2and Xe

Energy spectra of electrons resulting from collisions of Ne+, Ne2+ and Ne3+ with He, H2 and Xe at impact energies between 1 and 10 keV are investigated. A good energy resolution of the spectra is obtained by detecting the electrons at theta =180 degrees with respect to the beam direction, for at that angleDoppler broadening effects are minimised. Electrons result mainly from the excitation and decay of autoionising states Ne** and Ne+** which are formed by single or double charge transfer. The excitation mechanisms are discussed with the help of correlation diagrams. Several states with the configuration Ne+(2p3,nl,n'l') which have not been reliably identified earlier are now identified. Because of the good energy resolution the authors can determine lifetimes of the excited states from measured peak widths. For the core-excited state Ne+2s2p5(2P)3p(2D) and a lifetime of tau =650 au for states with the configuration Ne+(2p3,nl,n'l') lifetimes of tau >or approximately=2000 au.