Liver and Muscle Glycogen as Influenced by Alloxan

Liver and muscle glycogen storage was observed in albino rats during various phases of alloxan diabetogensis and under conditions of fasting and feeding in established diabetes. During diabetogenesis the liver glycogen tends to move contrary to the direction of blood sugar changes. In the triphasic response liver glycogen is low during the hyperglycemic phases and tends to be high during the hypoglycemic phase. After alloxan diabetes becomes established muscle glycogen is normal and liver glycogen is below normal in the fed condition. When fasted, alloxan diabetics show great diversity in blood sugar level, some developing severe hypoglycemia even on short fasts. Most diabetics with fasting hyperglycemia have higher than normal fasting liver glycogen. Those with fasting hypoglycemia show low liver glycogen levels and are frequently depleted in muscle glycogen also.

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