Pregnancy Associated Aplastic Anemia--A Series of 10 Cases with Review of Literature

Introduction: Pregnancy induced aplastic anemia is a rare entity and the association is not well explained. There are approximately 80 cases in the literature and we are presenting the largest series, so far, of 10 cases. Results: Total of 10 cases had 11 pregnancies. Mean age at presentation was 25.45 years and mean gestation when symptoms first developed was 17.09 weeks. Pallor and bleeding manifestations were the most common presenting complaints. Mean Hb, TLC, ANC and platelets were 4.97 g/dl, 2.74×109/l, 1.11×109/l and 41×109/l, respectively. Bone biopsy cellularity ranged from Conclusion: Pregnancy associated aplastic anemia is a rare association. Spontaneous remission can occur in 25-30% of patients. In the first trimester patients, pregnancy can be terminated while in advanced pregnancy patients can be followed up with stringent supportive care. Cyclosporin may be a safe drug antenatally in such patients. Patients with established aplastic anemia should avoid pregnancy.

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