Regional O2 uptake during hypoxia and recovery in hypermetabolic dogs

The regional distribution of O2 deficit in muscle and nonmuscle tissues was measured in hypermetabolic dogs ventilated with a low inspired O2 fraction and was compared with excess O2 used in these regions during normoxic recovery. O2 uptake was stimulated by 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). Arterial, mixed venous, and muscle venous blood samples were drawn before, during, and after severe hypoxia (9% O2–91% N2) for the calculation of hindlimb O2 uptake and cardiac output. The O2 deficit and excess O2 uptake in recovery were calculated as the cumulative differences between normoxic control and respective hypoxic and recovery O2 uptake values. The DNP data were compared with data previously obtained in our laboratory. A greater whole-body O2 deficit was incurred in the DNP group during hypoxia and was associated with a larger O2 use in recovery. The total O2 deficit was equally distributed between muscle and nonmuscle tissues, but more excess O2 use occurred in nonmuscle tissues. The greater excess O2 used by nonmuscle tissues may have been associated with the restoration of intracellular ion concentrations brought about by the increased activity of energy-using membrane pumps.