The Site of Leakage of Intrafollicular Thyroglobulin into the Blood Stream in Simple Human Goiter*

Serum thyroglobulin is increased in many thyroid diseases, including simple goiter. We followed thyroglobulin levels in 19 patients with diffuse and nodular euthyroid goiters by serial measurements of 80 samples over 2 yr. The large intraindividual variations suggested episodic release of thyroglobulin in this thyroid disease. To test the hypothesis that the phenomenon was due to sporadic release of colloid from diseased follicles, we studied 98 multinodular goiters by conventional histological techniques. Sixty-four surgical samples were autoradiographed. Focal necrosis of single follicles as well as large necrotic areas, involving multiple follicles together with interstitial stroma, were found in 42% of the goiter specimens. The earliest stage of necrosis was focal death of epithelial cells, often followed by hemorrhages. Through the epithelial gaps, colloid leaked out into the interstitial space. In later stages, granulation tissue containing numerous macrophages invaded damaged follicles. Fibrous scars remained as ultimate witness of repair processes. In one chance observation, acute release of highly labeled thyroglobulin from follicular lumina into the interfollicular interstitium was autoradiographically documented. We conclude that the varying concentrations of thyroglobulin in serum of patients with simple goiter may result from episodic necrosis of follicles, permitting leakage of colloid into the interfollicular space.