Using a rotational-invariant Faddeev Ansatz for the electronic two-center wave function that is written as a sum of terms involving hydrogenic Sturmians and appropriate spherical harmonics coupled to total angular momentum J and parity P, we are able to diagonalize the two-center Hamiltonian to obtain the 1sσg, 2sσg, 2pσu, 2pπu, and 3dσg electronic energy curves. For 36 Sturmians in the wave function we get energy states that are accurate to six to nine digits for 0a0. All adiabatic corrections are calculated for the 1sσg state and the results compared with previous work by W. Kolos [Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hung. 27, 241 (1969)] and C. L. Beckel, B. D. Hausen, and J. M. Peek [J. Chem. Phys. 53, 3681 (1970)]. Using the ideas of R. T. Pack and J. O. Hirschfelder [J. Chem. Phys. 49, 4009 (1968); 52, 521 (1970); 52, 4198 (1970)] we calculate the avoided crossing energy gap Δɛ between 2sσg and 3dσg curves. For a 36-term Sturmian basis set we get Δɛ=3.27 cm1 at R=4.053 52a0. Our work allows for a general approach to the solution of any molecular three-body problem that is applicable independently of the light-particle–heavy-particle interaction and the masses of the two heavier particles.

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