Clinical rhabdomyolysis

: Although rhabdomyolysis is an uncommon disorder, especially in children, it can present as a severe, life‐threatening event. Paediatricians need to be aware of this important, probably underdiagnosed disorder in order to implement appropriate early treatment. In this report, seven children with rhabdomyolysis of both forms, endogenous and exogenous, are presented. Despite comprehensive ‘up‐to‐date’ investigations being performed on paediatric patients with endogenous (often recurrent) rhabdomyolysis, the majority of these patients’ underlying disorders will remain undiagnosed. Overall, these patients usually have a very good prognosis even if repeated, severe life‐threatening episodes occur. It is recommended that a regimen of early therapy with fluids and sodium bicarbonate be instituted in all patients with rhabdomyolysis.