Constructing the Future in Planning: A Survey of Theories and Tools

The fuItLu-e is a long-recognized focus of thie uirban planning profession, but it has been nieglected of late particuLlarly in the academiiic COmmLullity. This article reviews concepts, theories, and tools useful for strengthening a ftttLire focus in planning. Core analytical coIncepts InCItide distinctions among projections forecasts and plans, and continiuities of past, present, anid future. Ethical issues center oni the tension betweeni an activist shaping of the future and the maniptLilation of forecasts to support desired plans. Emphasizing representation of the future as an essential means for gaining agreement, the article surveys the practices of visioning, scenario-building, and persuasive storytelling. The conclusion outlines .r reinvigorated appi-oach to plaiinrng the futtire that draws tLipon theories presented.

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