6‐Trityl‐2,3‐dicarbanilyl and 2,3‐dicarbanilyl derivatives of amylose and cellulose have previously been used as a backbone to introduce oligosaccharide branches by (1 → 6) glycosidic bonds. Possible degradation prior and during the glycoside coupling was now followed by light scattering measurements on each step of derivatization. The results obtained with derivatives of technical and synthetic amyloses indicate that some degradation may occur in the tritylation reaction and possibly in the conversion to the 6‐trityl‐2,3‐dicarbanilate. In the following steps, e.g. detritylation and glycosidic condensation of glucose and maltose derivatives under the conditions applied, degradation appears to be almost absent. In corresponding studies with cellulose derivatives problems arise mainly in the tritylation step. The results of the light scattering and viscosity measurements are discussed with respect to the molecular conformation.