Combined effect of respirator-induced ventilation and superoxide dismutase in experimental brain injury

✓ The function-specific enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) was tested for its protective effect in severe experimental fluid-percussion brain injury (4.45 ± 0.10 atm) in 30 of 60 randomly selected male Sprague-Dawley rats. A respirator was used only in the event of need. The number of animals with permanent resumption of spontaneous breathing (Type I respiratory response) remained essentially the same in each group. However, when Type II apnea (cannot maintain recovery) and Type III apnea (never recovers from the initial apnea) were terminated with a respirator, all rats with Type II responses from each group were successfully converted to a state of sustained spontaneous breathing. In contrast, only five (41.7%) of the 12 rats with Type III response were salvaged in the control group while five (83.3%) of six Type III rats in the SOD-treated group were saved. The results reveal the nature of the therapeutic effectiveness of superoxide radical scavengers in the overall outcome of head injury in this animal model. While SOD alone did not increase the number of spontaneous survivors, the drug shifted a number of animals from the critically injured rats with Type III respiratory response to the less critical Type II condition. Whereas induced respiration as the sole therapy in the control group lowered the mortality rate to 23.3%, respiratory assistance together with SOD treatment reduced the “mortality” to a single animal with Type III apnea (3.3%) which was alive but still required the respirator after 2 hours (p < 0.001). The results show that respiratory assistance alone accounted for a 33% decrease in mortality rate and that SOD, given in addition to induced ventilation, further decreased mortality by 20%. Since SOD enzymes are reactively specific for superoxide, the increased survival rate of the brain-injured rat must have been due either to preventing or to minimizing pathophysiological changes, probably in the brain stem, caused by oxygen free radicals.