Electromagnetic transitions inAl30

Deexcitation γ rays of Al30 following the C14(O18,pn)Al30 fusion-evaporation reaction have been observed in singles, in coincidence with the evaporated protons, and in coincidence with other γ rays in cascade. Gamma-ray yield curves were measured over the O18 beam energy range 15-35 MeV. Angular distributions of γ rays observed in coincidence with protons at 0° were measured for four transitions. Limits on level lifetimes were determined, and no evidence for a long-lived isomeric transition was found. Excitation energies deduced are, in keV: 0, 243.90(8), 687.53(12), 991.0(9), 1118.7(7), and 1245.6(8). Corresponding spins and parities are 3+, (1,2)±, 1+, (2,3,4)±, (1,2,3)±, and (4)±, respectively. The results are compared to recent shell model calculations.