Acanthocephala of Nebraska Fishes

Between April 1971 and Aug. 1974, 2425 fishes representing 17 families and 57 spp. were collected from 71 sites throughout Nebraska, USA, and examined for acanthocephalans. Infection was found in 282 (11.6%) of the fishes. Except for an incidental mention of Tanaorhamphus longirostris, there is no previously published report of Acanthocephala in Nebraska''s fishes. Leptorhynchoides thecatus, Neoechinorhynchus cristatus, N. cylindratus, N. prolixus, N. rutili, Octospinifer macilentus, Paulisentis missouriensis, Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli and Tanaorhamphus longirostris, are now known to occur. N. cylindratus is reported for the 1st time from Esox vermiculatus and Ictalurus melas and T. longirostris for the 1st time from Carpiodes carpio and Morone chrysops, but all specimens of both parasite species were immature. P. bulbocolli is reported for the 1st time from E. vermiculatus, Hybopsis gracilis, Lepomis cyanellus and Rhinichthys cataractae, but among these species mature worms were taken only from H. gracilis. Mature specimens of N. prolixus were collected from C. cyprinus, and there is no previous report of it from this species. N. rutili is reported for the 1st time from Hybognathus hankinsoni, Notropis dorsalis, Pimephales promelas and R. cataractae; mature worms were recovered from only H. hankinsoni and P. promelas. Fishes from Sandhills region in north-central Nebraska were the most heavily parasitized and N. cylindratus was the most frequently encountered acanthocephalan.