Net Energy of Pineapple Bran and Pineapple Hay When Fed to Lactating Dairy Cows

Digestibility and feeding studies of pineapple bran and pineapple hay (by-products of pineapple industry) with wethers and milking cows have demonstrated total digestible nutrient values of 66.1 and 53.1%, respectively, for pineapple bran and pineapple hay. Net energy values were determined from the basic concept, net energy = energy for maintenance + energy appearing in milk. Body weights of experimental cows were maintained within 0.6 pound a day gain. Gains in body weight were calculated at 1.95 megacalories per pound of body weight change. Caloric values in milk were calculated from a prediction equation, Y = 35.09 + 8.89X, where Y equals energy value of fluid milk in Kcal./100 g and X equals percent butterfat. By comparing the groups fed the basal ration plus the 2 additives, the net energy of pineapple bran and pineapple hay was 53.5 and 38.9 megacalories per 100 lb., respectively. Milk production and butterfat levels were maintained satisfactorily when pineapple hay and pineapple bran were used in the ration. Neither material had an adverse effect on milk flavor. Pineapple hay appears to be a potential source of medium quality hay for cattle feeding.