Plant Distribution Surrounding Rocky Mountain Pinyon Pine and Oneseed Juniper in South-Central New Mexico

Within the pinyon-juniper type, trees and understory vegetation are interspersed with open areas forming a mosaic of vegetational patterns. The objective of this research was to define and describe vegetational zones surrounding Rocky Mountain pinyon (Pinus edulis Engelm.) and oneseed juniper (Juniperus monosperma [Engelm.] Sarg.). Transects consisting of contiguous frames were laid out from the base of the tree and continued into the interspace area (outside the canopy) for each cardinal direction. Potential zone boundaries were located by calculating a squared Euclidean distance utilizing basal cover estimates of each frame. Zone boundaries were verified by discriminant analysis. Vegetation associated with both pinyon pine and oneseed juniper exhibited 3 zones. Zone 1 consisted of vegetation associated with the tree bole. Zone 2 was, for the most part, located beneath the tree canopy. Zone 3, consisting primarily of interspace, contained mostly perennial grasses and forbs. Mean basal cover of vegetation surrounding oneseed juniper increased from <1% in zone 1, to approximately 7% in zone 2, to about 12% in zone 3. Mean basal cover estimates of vegetation associated with pinyon pine increased from approximately 4% in zone 1, to 10 and 11% in zones 2 and 3, respectively. Differences in species composition among zones between tree species were apparent.