Scanning thermal microwave resonance microscopy of Ni nanodots

Ninanodots of random shape were deposited electrolytically on a mica substrate covered by Au with [111] texture. The dots had a maximum size of 260 nm in height and 150 nm in diameter. These dots were investigated by conventional and locally resolved ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). We present for the first time FMR spectra taken from a single nanodot by detection of the thermoelastic response of the microwave absorption in the dot by a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The single Ni dots show sharp separate resonance lines, governed by the influence of shape anisotropy. We could prove that the expansion of the sample detected by the z-piezo voltage of the STM signal in the FMR line is due to the thermoelastic effect caused by heating through the absorbed microwave power.