Band-gap evolution, hybridization, and thermal stability ofInxGa1xNalloys measured by soft X-ray emission and absorption

The electronic structure of InxGa1xN alloys with (0<~x<~0.3) has been studied using synchrotron radiation excited soft x-ray emission and absorption spectroscopies. These spectroscopies allow the elementally resolved partial density of states of the valence and conduction bands to be measured. The x-ray absorption spectra indicate that the conduction band broadens considerably with increasing indium incorporation. The evolution of the band gap as a function of indium content derives primarily from this broadening of the conduction-band states. The emission spectra indicate that motion of the valence band makes a smaller contribution to the evolution of the band gap. This gap evolution differs from previous studies on the AlxGa1xN alloy system, which observed a linear valence-band shift through the series (0<~x<~1). For InxGa1xN the valence band exhibits a large shift between x=0 and x=0.1 with minimal movement thereafter. We also report evidence of In 4dN 2p and Ga 3dN 2p hybridization. Finally, the thermal stability of an In0.11Ga0.89N film was investigated. Both emission and absorption spectra were found to have a temperature-dependent shift in energy, but the overall definition of the spectra was unaltered even at annealing temperatures well beyond the growth temperature of the film.