Spectroscopic ellipsometry of Si1−xGex epilayers of arbitrary composition 0≤x≤0.255

Critical point (CP) transition energies have been calculated for strained Si1−xGex (0≤x≤0.255) between 2.5 and 3.5 eV from Lorentzian fits to the second differential of reference dielectric function spectra. E1 and E0 transition energies are similar to those of the relaxed alloy. Comparison with deformation potential theory shows E11 to be coincident with E0 due to a strain‐induced up shift in the former’s transition energy. The reference spectra and CP transition energies are used in an interpolation procedure to analyze spectroscopic ellipsometry spectra of both uncapped and buried layers of strained Si1−xGex. Compositions and thicknesses are obtained in good agreement with alternative techniques.