Electronic states and cyclotron resonance inn-type InMnAs

We present a theory for electronic and magneto-optical properties of n-type In1xMnxAs magnetic alloy semiconductors in a high magnetic field B. We use an eight-band Pidgeon-Brown model generalized to include the wave vector (kz) dependence of the electronic states as well as sd and pd exchange interactions with localized Mn d electrons. Calculated conduction-band Landau levels exhibit effective masses and g factors that are strongly dependent on temperature, magnetic field, Mn concentration (x), and kz. Cyclotron resonance (CR) spectra are computed using Fermi’s golden rule and compared with ultrahigh-magnetic-field (>50 T) CR experiments, which show that the electron CR peak position is sensitive to x. Detailed comparison between theory and experiment allowed us to extract the sd and pd exchange parameters α and β. We find that not only α but also β affects the electron mass because of the strong interband coupling in this narrow-gap semiconductor. In addition, we derive analytical expressions for effective masses and g factors within the eight-band model. Results indicates that (αβ) is the crucial parameter that determines the exchange interaction correction to the cyclotron masses. These findings should be useful for designing novel devices based on ferromagnetic semiconductors.