Organ Ablation by Fluid Emboli An Experimental Study Comparing Two Solidifying Liquids

Embolization for ablation of organs an tumor infarction requires uniform permanent occlusion of the distal vasculature. This is best accomplished through the use of solidifying liquids. This study on 15 dogs compares the degree of peripheral vascular embolization and its relation to tissue infarction acutely and chronically following embolization of the renal arteries with 2 solidifying liquids, a low viscosity silicone and the occlusion gel ethibloc. Silicone produced quite uniform distal distribution including 50-80% (mean 66%) of renal glomeruli; ethibloc occluded more proximally and reached only 10-50% (mean 22%) of all glomeruli. After 3 mo. complete cortical infarction of all 9 kidneys embolized with silicone was found; 2 of the 3 kidneys embolized with ethibloc retained nests of viable glomeruli. Balloon occlusion of the entire renal artery inflow during embolization prevented distal venous emboli; partial inflow occlusion allowed systemic venous embolization. Due to its more uniform distal penetration, low viscosity silicone is a more suitable embolization agent than ethibloc for organ ablation. Tota arterial inflow occlusion during embolization effectively prevents systemic venous embolization.