Micropatterning of Ferroelectric Bi 4Ti 3O 12 Using Electron-Beam-Induced Reaction of Metal Octylate Films

Micropatterning of ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12 was carried out using an electron-beam-induced reaction of metal octylate films. Bismuth and titanium octylates were used as starting materials. Precursor solutions were prepared by mixing the octylates at a Bi:Ti molar ratio of 5.2:3.0 and diluting with acetone. The metal octylates exhibited negative exposure characteristics upon electron beam irradiation: a sensitivity of 1.5 ×10-4 C/cm2 and a gamma value of 2. Precursor micropatterns were formed by electron beam irradiation on the spin-coated octylate films and successive development with toluene. The precursor micropatterns were calcined at 450°C for 10 min and sintered at 800°C for 30 min in air. A 65 ×80 µm2 precursor micropattern was crystallized into the single-phase of Bi4Ti3O12 by the heat treatment. Crystallized square micropatterns 1 µm in size consisted of small platelike crystals.