Chlorophyllase and peroxidase activity during degreening of maturing canola (Brassica napus) and mustard (Brassica juncea) seed

Chlorophyllase and peroxidase activities were measured in relation to seed maturation and degreening in canola (Brassica napus cvs Westar and Alto) and mustard (Brassica juncea cvs Cutlass and Lethbridge 22A). Samples of seed collected at the same moisture content were pooled, then divided and used for each assay. During maturation the green pigment (chlorophyll and related pigments) content of canola seed decreased linearly and was lower than that measured in mustard at all moisture contents studied, except for the highest and lowest moisture contents. Chlorophyllides and pheophorbides were detected in canola and were essentially absent in mustard. This difference in accumulation of dephytylated pigments infers differences in the pigment degradation pathways in Brassica species. Interspecific differences in the enzymology of degreening were found. Green pigment degradation was associated with increased chlorophyllase activity and low peroxidase activity in canola and low Chlorophyllase and high perosidase activity in mustard. The possible role of ethylene in seed degreening is discussed.