Temperature dependence of the conductivity and kinetics of oxygen intercalation ofC70films

Electrical conductivity values of 1.8×109 to 1.8×1013 (Ωcm)1 at 30 °C were found in undoped C70 films, and the conductivity is thermally activated with an activation energy of 0.51–0.81 eV and a pre-exponential factor of 0.5(Ωcm)1. We demonstrated that the conductivity decay due to oxygen intercalation follows σ(t)=σ(0)tα, where α≪1 when 0<t<t1, α⩾1 when t1<t<t2, and 0.5⩽α<1.0 when t>t2, corresponding to three processes of oxygen reaction with the film.