Even-parity states ofTc95

An attempt is made to explain the observed even-parity spectrum and transition rates of Tc95. The shell-model approach is followed and the three valence protons are restricted to the 0g92 orbital. On the other hand, full configuration mixing has been assumed for the two valence neutrons which are allowed to take all possible values in the 1d52, 2s12, 1d32, and 0g72 orbitals. Experimental single particle energies are used in the calculation while the two-body matrix elements are derived from the Sussex and Yale interactions by means of second order perturbation theory. Thus, using only one free parameter, namely the effective charge, we have reproduced to a good approximation the excitation energies and transition rates of about 35 observed levels. In addition, the calculation predicts a number of levels that, quite possibly, have not yet been experimentally observed.