Taxonomic study of methanol-assimilating yeasts.

Freshly isolated strains (31) of methanol-assimilating yeasts were identified as Pichia cellobiosa (3 strains), Candida boidinii (20 strains), C. cariosilignicola (1 strain), C. succiphila (6 strains) and Torulopsis molischiana (1 strain). Kloeckera sp. No. 2201 and C. methanolica, which were reported as methanol-assimilating yeasts, and C. koshuensis were reidentified as C. boidinii on the basis of biological and chemotaxonomic characteristics. Torulopsis methanolovescens showed characteristics similar to those of P. lindnerii, and the chemotaxonomic characteristics of the 2 were in good agreement. The DNA base composition (GC-content of DNA) of these yeasts was distributed in a broad range from 29.2-50.2%. The ubiquinone system, PMR spectra of cell-wall mannans, and electrophoretic patterns of methanol oxidase were characteristic for each species. These methanol-assimilating yeasts were divided into 4 groups: the C. boldinii group, methanol-assimilating Hansenula and its closely related yeasts, the P. cellobiosa group and the H. capsulata group.