Control of an ethanol fermentation carried out with alginate entrappedSaccharomyces cerevisiae

Process control of different reactor models for continuous production of ethanol from sucrose with immobilized yeast has been studied. An enzyme thermistor with immobilized invertase recorded the concentration of sucrose continuously. Ethanol was recorded by a membrane gas sensor with a SnO2 semiconductor used as detector. A process computer controlled the substrate feed to keep substrate as well as ethanol concentration at preset values by using algorithms of varying complexity. It was thereby demonstrated that PID regulators as well as more advanced algorithms (Otto–Smith regulator, state feedback from a Kalman filter, and cascade control) are useful alternatives to maintain a constant concentration in the fermentor effluents. The time required for the system to return to predetermined conditions after various kinds of disturbances has been especially studied. It was shown that the more advanced regulator used the shorter time.