Extract This limited survey was initiated to obtain a better understanding of the causes of mortality in dogs between weaning and one year of age. The particular interests were to examine cases of distemper to compare the histopathology with the findings of Lauder et al. ( 1954 Lauder, I. M. , Martin, W. B. , Gordon, E. B. , Lawson, D. D. , Campbell, R. S. F. and Watrach, A. M. 1954. Vet. Rec., 66: 607–607. and 623 [Google Scholar] ) and also to obtain further information on lead poisoning in dogs as described by Staples and Dodd ( 1956 Dodd, D. C and Staples, E. L. J. 1956. N.Z. vet. J., 4: 1–1. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ).