Digestibility studies with cows given whole and rolled cereal grains

SUMMARY: The susceptibility of whole and rolled cereal and legume seeds to microbial attack within the rumen of cows was examined by incubating seeds in nylon bags in the rumen for 24,48 and 72 hr. With whole, intact seeds the husked cereal grains were less susceptible than naked grains and legume seeds. Inter-varietal differences were observed with maize, oats and barley. Breaking the cereal grains before incubation considerably increased the losses of dry matter. Digestibility trials with non-lactating cows confirmed that barley, sorghum, wheat and oats were poorly digested when given whole, and considerable variation was recorded between individual cows in their ability to digest whole grains. Rolling the grains before feeding made the greatest improvement in digestibility with sorghum, wheat and barley and the least with oats.