Noise in thin-film YBa2Cu3O7step-edge junction RF SQUIDS

We describe the noise performance of thin-film YBa2Cu3O7 RF SQUIDS fabricated on MgO substrates with single step-edge Josephson junctions. A substantial range of noise levels has been observed for devices having similar electrical parameters (inductance, critical current, RF frequency). The best devices have white-noise levels below 10-4 phi 0 Hz-1/2 when operated at a frequency of 170-200 MHz and have 1/f noise corners of a few hertz. Measurements of the VRF versus LRF characteristics of one SQUID, indicate that intrinsic device noise dominates the measured total noise of these devices. The white noise of all devices exceeds the predictions of the theory of Kurkijarvi at al. by a large factor, apparently because of non-ideal behaviour of step-edge Josephson junctions.

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