Polytene chromosomes, karyotype correlations, and population cytology of the primary screwworm fly

Standard photomaps of trichogen cell polytene chromosomes of the primary screwworm fly, Cochilomyla hominivorax are presented. Correlations between meiotic and polytene chromosome karyotypes were established using radiation induced translocations, and percent chromosome lengths and arm ratios as markers. Polytene chromosome analyses of hybrids between various isofemale lines originating from the Mexican states of Colima, Chiapas, Michoacan, Oaxaca, and Quintana Roo, and from the lsland of Jamaica did not reveal any chromosomal differences, e.g., inversions or deletions, and the banding patterns were identical. The homosequential banding patterns in this species and apparent chromosomal homologies with other Calliphorid species suggest that the chromosomes have remained largely conserved during evolution in the family Calliphoridae.