Combinational logic synthesis for LUT based field programmable gate arrays

The increasing popularity of the field programmable gate-array (FPGA) technology has generated a great deal of interest in the algorithmic study and tool development for FPGA-specific design automation problems. The most widely used FPGAs are LUT based FPGAs, in which the basic logic element is a K -input one-output lookup-table (LUT) that can implement any Boolean function of up to K variables. This unique feature of the LUT has brought new challenges to logic synthesis and optimization, resulting in many new techniques reported in recent years. This article summarizes the research results on combinational logic synthesis for LUT based FPGAs under a coherent framework. These results were dispersed in various conference proceedings and journals and under various formulations and terminologies. We first present general problem formulations, various optimization objectives and measurements, then focus on a set of commonly used basic concepts and techniques, and finally summarize existing synthesis algorithms and systems. We classify and summarize the basic techniques into two categories, namely, logic optimization and technology mapping , and describe the existing algorithms and systems in terms of how they use the classified basic techniques. A comprehensive list of references is compiled in the attached bibliography.

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