Solid phase radioimmunoassay for typing herpes simplex viral antibodies in human sera

An indirect solid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed for typing antibody to herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) in human sera. The test is based upon absorption of sera with uninfected, HSV-1-infected cells and testing for residual antibody. The high sensitivity of the RIA method for detecting HSV antibody permits examination of sera at high dilutions, and thus relatively small volumes of virus-infected cells are required for cross-absorption of antibodies. Results obtained in RIA typing of HSV antibodies showed good agreement with those obtained by microneutralization and inhibition of passive hemagglutination. The HSV antibody type(s) determined by RIA also showed good correlation with the virus type isolated from the individual, either from clinical specimens or sensory nerve ganglia. The technique was very sensitive for detection and typing of HSV antibdodies in cerebrospinal fluids. The RIA method was highly suitable for detecting two types of HSV antibody in the same serum specimen, and it was possible to show that a marked, type-specific antibody response to HSV-2 does occur in individuals with a primary HSV-2 infection who have experienced a prior infection with HSV-1.