Muon-neutrino carbon charged-current interaction near the muon threshold

A measurement of the muon-neutrino carbon charged-current cross section, C12(νμ,μ)X, was performed using the in-flight pion-decay neutrino source at the LAMPF accelerator. At an average interacting neutrino energy of 202 MeV an inclusive cross section of (15.9±2.6±3.7)×1039 cm2 was measured. This value is in best agreement with the Fermi-gas model and is in disagreement with a previous experiment and subsequent calculations that yielded substantially lower cross sections. However, the muon energy spectrum shows a marked depletion of events at high energies compared to the Fermi-gas model. From a small sample of events in which the final-state nucleus was in the ground state of N12, a cross section for the reaction C12(νμ,μ )12N(g.s.) of (1.7±0.8±0.3)×1039 cm2 or about 11±5 % of the total event rate was obtained.