Screening of Basic Drugs in Biological Samples Using Dual Column Capillary Chromatography and Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detectors

A method Is presented for the extraction and screening of basic and neutral drugs, Including amphetamines. Two milliliters of blood are buffered to pH 9.0 and extracted with n-chlorobutane. Underivatized extracts are analyzed simultaneously on two complementary capiliary columns placed together in one injection port using split Injection. A relative retention time list comprised of 110 common drugs of abuse and metabolites has been compiled for both capillary columns. The Internal standard used Is SKF-525A. The success of the method depends upon four areas: Inertness of the system, nitrogen detector optimization, extraction technique, and lack of contamination. The percent recovery has been calculated for twelve commonly encountered drugs. The within-run and day-to-day recoveries and retention time reproducibility have been investigated for the Internal standard SKF-525A. The authors have found the combination of fused silica capillary columns and nitrogen-phosphorus detectors makes for a stable screening system for basic and neutral drugs In biological samples.