Incidence of Bacillus popilliae in Ligyrus subtropicus and Cyclocephala parallela (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Florida Sugarcane Fields

Bacillus popilliae Dutky was the major pathogen found in grubs of Cyclocephala parallela Casey and Ligyrus subtropicus Blatchley in Florida sugarcane fields. The milky disease was widespread among fields in the sugarcane-producing region, and two different B. popilliae varieties infected the grubs. The type A milky disease, containing a parasporal crystal and spore in the sporangium, was the prevalent variety infecting C. parallela. The type B variety, possessing only a centrally located spore within the sporangium, infected mainly L. subtropicus grubs. The overall infection rate of B. popilliae was significantly greater in C. parallela than in L. subtropicus.