Level structure of odd-mass In nuclei and the unified model. II.In117levels populated in the decay ofCd117isomers

Ge(Li) detectors have been used to perform singles, coincidence, and angular correlation measurements on γ rays present in the decays of 2.5-h Cdg117(12+) and 3.4-h Cdm117(112). A total of 112 of the 114 γ rays observed in the decay of Cdg117 and all 71 of the γ rays observed in the decay of Cdm117 have been placed in a level scheme consisting of 46 excited states. A total of 51 different γγ cascades were measured at 90° and 180°. The β branchings from Cdg117 to Inm117 and Cdm117 to Ing117 were determined to be 20.4% and Cdg117 and Cdm117 were determined to be 43±2 mb and 8±1 mb, respectively. Spin and parity assignments for the levels of In117 were made in many instances. The level structure is discussed in relation to the unified model calculation and possible one-proton—two-neutron configurations.