Branching Fractions and CP Asymmetries in B0π0π0, B+π+π0, and B+K+π0 Decays and Isospin Analysis of the Bππ System

Based on a sample of 227×106 BB¯ pairs collected by the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory at SLAC, we measure the branching fraction B(B0π0π0)=(1.17±0.32±0.10)×106, and the asymmetry Cπ0π0=0.12±0.56±0.06. The B0π0π0 signal has a significance of 5.0σ. We also measure B(B+π+π0)=(5.8±0.6±0.4)×106, B(B+K+π0)=(12.0±0.7±0.6)×106, and the charge asymmetries Aπ+π0=0.01±0.10±0.02 and AK+π0=0.06±0.06±0.01. Using isospin relations, we find an upper bound on the angle difference |ααeff| of 35° at the 90% C.L.
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